Book Release- “The Dark Side of the Woods”



How could Sadie have lived so long in this town without knowing it was harboring a very old secret? The dark side of the woods was a place she walked by nearly every single day and it seemed perfectly normal. Until she realized, nothing that walked in there, walked back out.
Curses, wolves, new romance, and a gruesome transformation threaten to change everything Sadie has ever known. It has to end where it started, in the center of the forest.


So, it’s only been three months since my last post. Oops. I swear, one day I’ll write regularly.
However part of the reason I’ve been MIA is due to getting my upcoming release ready to go!
I’m so excited to share The Dark Side of the Woods with all of you. The reviews I have received have been very encouraging and even after reading myself many many times, I still enjoy it!
It just went to print and I’m planning the release party and kindle release, so please check out my facebook page or website for more info.

The Man in the Tunnel



A long, dark, quiet, tunnel that runs underneath the mountains.  Two girls having fun taking pictures. They see a man approaching slowly from the other end of the tunnel but don’t  give it much thought, until he’s right next to them. He’s mumbling incoherently and the only word they catch is “jail”. It’s the same pattern of speech over and over, in spite of their attempts to ask him if he’s ok.  He’s bigger than they are and not many people are around, so as he steps closer they know their best option is to get out of there.

They calmly gather their things and excuse their selves away from the man. He watches as they head down the tunnel. As they approach the center of the tunnel, the lights overhead go out, leaving them in total darkness, save for the literal, distant light at the end of the tunnel. Daring a glance behind them they see the man is still in the tunnel and they can’t tell if he’s following or only watching.  A fit of laughter overtakes them at the ridiculousness of the situation, and laughing is better than crying in panic.

Finally out of the tunnel and safely in the sunlight the friend decides to call the police to have them check on the man in the tunnel in case he’s lost or truly dangerous. Only to discover there’s no signal and then the realization that at some point they are going to have to walk back through that tunnel.

That was my Saturday afternoon folks!


It is time for me to…

The card chosen for this week is “It is time for me to…”

It is time for me to work on my new book and not feel guilty about neglecting the house for an hour or even a day.

It is time for me to drink tea and plan my garden for spring.

It is time for me to get up early and practice yoga every day so I can honor a promise I made to myself.

It is time for me to learn to play the fiddle I’ve had for two years.

“Why not seize the pleasure at once? How often is happiness destroyed by preparation, foolish preparation?”  Jane Austen

What is it time for you to do? Stop waiting and do it!