The Witch



The Witch

Soft as lamb’s ear

Sharp as honey locust thorn

She prowls around at midnight

The time when witches are born

She gathers her nightshade in a purple, quilted bag

With her cat by her side, they all think she is mad

She smiles to herself and hums a soft tune

The owls come to greet her in the dark of the moon

She likes it this way

Being left alone and a bit feared

They find her when they need her

It’s been that way for years

When justice isn’t served or love goes unrequited

When the baby needs healed or the old man’s scared of dyin

They’ll venture to her with payment of choice

She’ll do what needs doing, without raising her voice

When the work is done

She’ll disappear just as quick

And they’ll say once again

Stay away from the witch


Three Witches in a Small Town (giveaway)

book cover

For those of you new to my blog or curious about my book this is a great opportunity! Three Witches in a Small Town is my first novel that won the Jan Carol Publishing Believe and Achieve Award and was published last June. I’m currently running a giveaway on Goodreads for a chance to win a signed copy! The contest winner will be announced on June 22nd.

Here is the description from the back: Three sisters are called home to their small town to learn the old ways of mountain healing and magic. Guided by their aging grandmother, the sisters embark on a path of self-discovery. Through good times and heartbreak, the sisters stick together and learn a new appreciation for their unique family heritage and one another. Witches, potions, romance, laughter . . . you will find them all in Three Witches in a Small Town.

I wrote the book in a very short amount of time and had all sorts of amusing (now) drama trying to get it submitted. That’s definitely a blog for another time! But I poured my heart and soul into it and couldn’t be more proud of it. I know it’s not everyone’s cup of tea but one or two people saying they enjoy it means a great deal more to me than a person who didn’t.  So please check it out, enter the giveaway or order a copy as a gift. And let me know what you think!

Order or read my reviews on Amazon:

Enter the giveaway:

Like my Facebook page so you can keep up with my signings and giveaways!

This is Halloween…. almost

My favorite season is here. I adore everything about autumn, the leaves, the cool air, the crystal blue sky, the scent of smoke from a bonfire. All of those things leave me feeling grateful and I can’t help but feel a sense of magic in the air.                                                                                 Halloween has always been my favorite holiday! Dressing up in strange costumes is fun, candy is great, the movies are the best etc. But more than that it’s feeling on Halloween, it feels different than every other night of the year. Magic and mischief lurk behind every shadow, a chill hangs in the wind and along with every laugh and fun adventure there lingers a slight feel of unease. I’ve loved Halloween since I was child, it always felt different to me. Maybe the veil between worlds is thinner on Halloween, maybe I enjoy scaring myself. Either way I’m ok with it and as someone who loves to write about witches and other spirits it suits me just fine.

“It’s now October and with every passing day the veils grows a little thinner as the ghosts, monsters and other unseen creatures claw their way through to our side. For just one night among the living.”